Anglais From ciné-goûters to screenings for cinéphilie (édition en anglais)

À propos

Though the number of works on cultural diplomacy is in general quite substantial, very few concern the production and distribution of films. The cinemas established by French cultural institutions are likewise virtually absent from many studies on the history of cinema, and notably from those on its theaters. By analyzing the distribution systems of French and world cinema which promote local production, and their audiences, all the analyses presented in the book establish an initial assessment on the life of cinemas belonging to the Instituts français and the Alliances françaises. First spaces of French culture's unilateral influence, then windows onto cultural diversity, the history of these theaters is certainly complex. We preferred to approach it and render it with all of its contradictions. First spaces of French culture's unilateral influence, then windows onto cultural diversity, the history of these theaters is certainly complex. We preferred to approach it and render it with all of its contradictions.


Theaters of ShadowGiusy PisanoFrench Cultural diplomacy and influence in the field of cinemaFrench cultural activities in the world: 150 years of experienceFrançois ChaubetCinema in the projection rooms of the Instituts français and Alliances françaisesDépartement cinéma de l'Institut françaisThe Alliance française and Cinema: A Little-Known StoryAlexandre Labruffe & Nicolas PeyreFrench cinema towards other lands: experience feedbackJean-Jacques BeuclerSupport and disseminate: beyond EuropeThe French Cultural network: theaters at the service of French and World CinemaFanny Aubert MalaurieFocus 1: MyFrenchFilmFestivalUniFrance, ParisThe Role of Franco-Lebanese Cooperation in the Structuring of Lebanese Cinema: Reflections and Perspectives on French CultureGaëlle Fayad West African cinema, in the decades after Independences. French Cultural Centres as West African Cinematic Institutions, 1961-1981Vincent BouchardThe Promotion of French Cinema at the Institut français of Morocco: A Network of Nine CinemasAntoine Le BihanThe Distribution of Films by the Institut français of Lomé (Togo): Challenges of Acting in a Country without a Cinematic PastClaude ForestContribution of the Institut français of Ouagadougou to Fespaco and to the consolidation of the film culture in Burkina FasoJustin OuoroDeveloping Cinephilia and Promoting French and Local Cinemas: The Contributions of the Instituts français in TunisiaEmna MrabetPrograms and AudiencesRepresentations of Cinephiles at the Institut français of DakarDaddy DibingaA Cine-club for Promoting and Teaching French Language and CultureDhurata HoxhaFestinema Junior: Study and Analysis of a Film Education Program's Success in the United StatesMarylin MarignanAlternative ScreensCultural diplomacy in tune with the market: The Young French Cinema programAna VinuelaBucharest Institut français: a framework facilitating cultural diversity screeningRaluca CalinFocus 2. A brief focus on how French cinema is publicised in the south of Portugal. From an interview with Aurélie Quintanilha Martins, Director of Alliance française in the Algarve (Faro)Erika ThomasAlternative screenings and komunitas film in IndonesiaAurélien Michon The Munhwawon sedae and the French Cultural Center of Seoul: The Birth of the Korean New Wave and New South Korean Cinema from 1980 to 1990Sora HongA New Generation of Algerian Filmmakers: Between Obstacle and OpportunityNarimene LaouadiThe development of the audience: the example of Turkish cinemaEvolution of Turkey's Cinematic Landscape and the Role of the Institut françaisEce VitrinelThe Institut français of Istanbul's Cinema Activity: A Preliminary Historical AnalysisAyse Toy ParThe Role of Cinemas at "French Cultural Centers" in Developing Cinephile Circles in TurkeyHülya Ugur TanrioverCo-Productions: A Study on the Collaboration between Istanbul Institut français and the Meetings on the Bridge Industry PlatformSezen Kayhan

Rayons : Arts et spectacles > Arts de l'image > Cinéma / TV / Animation

  • Auteur(s)

    Giusy Pisano

  • Éditeur

    Pu Du Septentrion

  • Distributeur


  • Date de parution


  • Collection

    Arts Du Spectacle ; Images Et Sons

  • EAN


  • Disponibilité


  • Nombre de pages

    316 Pages

  • Longueur

    24 cm

  • Largeur

    16 cm

  • Épaisseur

    1.8 cm

  • Poids

    524 g

  • Support principal

    Grand format

Infos supplémentaires : Broché  

Giusy Pisano

  • Naissance : 1-1-1963
  • Age : 62 ans
  • Pays : Italie
  • Langue : Francais

Giusy Pisano est professeure des Universités à l'ENS Louis Lumière et directrice de recherche à l'Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3/IRCAV. Parmi ses dernières publications : Magie numérique, codirection avec M. Almiron et S. Bazou, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, 2020, Le Panorama, un art trompeur, codirection avec J.-R. Bouiller, S. Le Men, L. Madeline, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, 2019, Dispositifs sonores : corps, scènes, atmosphère, codirection avec J.-M. Larrue et J.-P. Quéinnec, Presses universitaires de Montréal, 2019, Stéréoscopie et illusion, codirection avec M. Almiron, E. Jacopin, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, 2018, Machines. Magie. Médias, codirection avec F. Kessler, J.-M. Larrue, Presses universitaires du Septentrion/Cerisy, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, 2018, Le Triomphe de la scène intermédiale, codirection avec J.-M. Larrue, Montréal, Presses universitaires de Montréal, 2017, etc. Elle a dirigé les projets de recherche : Exporter et soutenir le cinéma dans le contexte des films dans le contexte des Instituts français et des Alliances françaises (2017-2019), Les arts trompeurs. Machines. Magie. Médias (2015-2018), Mise en scène théâtrale et dispositifs sonores et visuels (2011-2014). Elle participe aux programmes internationaux : TECHNES et BEAUVIATECH. Elle prépare actuellement le projet An Aesthetics of Sound in Sub-Saharan African Cinema.
