
The field of research known as academic globalhealth is in the midst of a scientific debate that is questioning itsepistemological foundations. This book contributes to that questioning. Througha series of essays that weave together personal narratives and conceptualreflections, it shows how as researchers in academic global health, we defer toa distant, powerful, foreign gaze, whose power shapes our pose and what we cansee or say. Many of our accepted knowledge practices - how we make, use, shareand value knowledge - are steeped in structural prejudice and heavily pepperedby epistemic injustice. To transform academic global health, we need a criticalmass of people who can articulate why many of our accepted knowledge practicesare unfair, people who know where to aim their efforts to entrench justpractices, people who can get others to join in those efforts. This book waswritten to help build that critical mass.


Chapitre 1 - In the world but not of it
Chapitre 2 - The foreign gaze
Chapitre 3 - Evidence as cliché
Chapitre 4 - Thinking in two triangles
Chapitre 5 - The uses of knowledge
Chapitre 6 - The dignity of the spectator
Chapitre 7 - To be wronged as a knower

Categories : Sciences humaines & sociales > Sciences sociales / Société > Thèmes et questions de société > Santé / Addictions

  • Authors

    Seye Abimbola

  • Publisher


  • Distributeur


  • Publication date


  • Collection

    Sante Globale

  • EAN


  • Availablity

    Not available

  • Nombre de pages

    150 Pages

  • Height

    24 cm

  • Width

    16 cm

  • Thickness

    0.7 cm

  • Poids

    280 g

  • Diffuseur


  • Support principal

    Grand format

Infos supplémentaires : Broché  
